The API instance to use for making requests.
auth?: HuggingfaceAuthConfigAuthentication configuration for Huggingface. If not supplied, it will be loaded from the environment.
client?: HttpClient<THttpClientOptions>HTTP client to use for requests. If not supplied, the built-in fetch-based implementation will be used.
The model ID as defined by Huggingface
The Huggingface Model Provider with the specified ModelApi.
If no auth is passed and HUGGINGFACE_API_TOKEN is not found in process.env
import {
} from "generative-ts";
// Huggingface Inference supports many different APIs and models. See below for full list.
const gpt2 = createHuggingfaceInferenceModelProvider({
api: HfTextGenerationTaskApi,
modelId: "gpt2",
// you can explicitly pass auth here, otherwise by default it is read from process.env
const response = await gpt2.sendRequest({
$prompt: "Hello,"
// all other options for the specified `api` available here
Creates a Huggingface Inference ModelProvider with the specified ModelApi
Compatible APIs
Provider Setup and Notes
Create a Huggingface Inference API account at Huggingface
Obtain a Huggingface User Access Token and either pass it explicitly in
or set it in the environment asHUGGINGFACE_API_TOKEN
The Huggingface Inference API supports thousands of different models, grouped into "tasks". See the official documentation.
Currently we only ship API classes for Conversational Task and Text Generation Task. If you need another task, you can create a new API and pass it as the
parameter.Model Parameters
Model IDs